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AlternativesToGd is divided into six interlinked Work Packages

The work program is composed of research in fields from formulations for solid-state process to solutions and encapsulation technology, polarisation transfer in the solid-state and solution, material science, and electrical engineering.

In Work Package 1 we will develop dDNP agents that will be validated in Work package 4.

In Work Package 2 we will develop other hyperpolarisation technologies and validate the resulting HP agents in Work Package 4.

Work Package 3 is aimed at enabling the validation of HP imaging in Work Package 4.

Work Package 5 aims to disseminate and exploit the results of this concerted effort and Work Package 6 is aimed at overall oversight of the project and enabling its smooth progress.

You can find out more about each Work Package and its specific tasks by scrolling through the items below.


Work Package 1

The objective of this work package is to develop unconventional dDNP agents for MR imaging of perfusion and tissue- retention. Encapsulation of the agents has the potential to prolong T1 by isolation from blood components and by the ability to control the media in proximity to the agent and to selectively target tissue-retention.

Task 1.1: Polarisation Increase For Water

To increase the polarisation level for HP water to more than 5% using polarisers operating at a higher magnetic field.

Task 1.2: HP Water Encapsulation

To encapsulate HP water using a mini-emulsion process, with or without D2O, and determine the T1 in this formulation.

Task 1.3: To Increase The Polarisation Level Of 15N Containing Compounds To More Than 5%

A 5% 15N polarisation was achieved in a solution of [15N2]urea at one of the partners’ site (HMO), at 3.35T. Increased polarisation will be achieved by polarising the compound at the higher field of 5T.

Task 1.4: Encapsulation Of HP 15N Containing Compounds

To encapsulate 15N containing compounds using the mini-emulsion technology. For 15N containing compounds with exchangeable protons this will be done in the presence of D2O to prolong their T1.

Task 1.5: Nitrate Safety Profile And Encapsulation

To test the safety profile of nitrate for intravenous administration. Although it is considered safe for injection, there are, to the best of our knowledge, no studies in the literature on this topic.

AlternativesToGd is a research project under the Future and Emerging Technologies funding scheme of the European Commission. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 858149.



 by AlternativesToGd. 

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